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Follow What are campaigns?

“Campaigns” is the term we use to describe a specific use-case or swag marketing program. Instead of a one-size-fits-all swag store, campaigns help you execute a wide variety of swag marketing programs with just the right tools for the specific task.

  • Different selections of merchandise can be offered
  • Different branding can be used
  • Software functionality varies by campaign type
  • Orders are rolled up to the campaign level for reporting purposes, making it easy to understand your spending by use-case, program, or department.

Three different types of campaigns for sending swag

There are three different campaign types: drop ship, giveaway, and collection. When creating a campaign, think about the functionality you’ll need to execute your program and choose the corresponding campaign type:

Drop ship

Perfect for larger, more complex orders entered one-at-a-time. Ideal for sending swag to events or remote offices. You can pull from inventory, print a new batch of items for the order, or a combination of both. With advanced logistic options, your merchandise arrives on the exact day you need it, apparel items burrito-rolled ready to distribute, and with all the right paperwork to navigate the conference floor.



Ideal when you don’t know what the recipient wants or where they live. Printfection handles the collection of the shipping addresses, shirt sizes, and desired gifts directly from the recipient. All you need to do is send a link to the recipient. The recipient makes their own selections off a landing page. The gift is fulfilled automatically. You’re notified when redemptions happen and recipients receive tracking numbers so everyone’s in the loop


Opposite of a giveaway, collection campaigns are perfect when you know who, what and where to send the swag. Unlike a drop ship, orders can be imported in bulk from a spreadsheet or you can publish a URL to give other departments or employees a controlled way to enter their own orders for approval by one or more “swag admins”.

To create a new campaign: navigate to the Campaigns tab, click into the campaign type you want to create, then click the green + New Campaign button.

Example campaign structure

A company that attends events, sends customers referral gifts, and has a swag program for their sales reps may have a campaign setup like this:

Campaign Name

Campaign Type

Events & Tradeshows

Drop Ship

Marketing Referral Gifts


Sales Team Swag Ordering Program




How many campaigns can I have?

Unlimited. However, for the best reporting don’t create more campaigns than you need. Most companies have 2-5 campaigns and keep them fairly high-level. Remember, each campaign can contain an unlimited number of individual orders.

How does inventory work with campaigns?

Inventory is global, shared across all of your campaigns. You usually buy inventory first, and then use it within your campaigns. When buying inventory, you don’t need to know which campaign will ultimately consume the inventory.

Can I change the campaign type later?

No. If you need to change the campaign type, you’ll need to create a new campaign.

Campaign comparison chart


Drop Ship




Pull from your inventory

Drop-ship items not in inventory


Recipient Details

The shipping address is known


The gender and shirt size is known


Order Entry & Approval

Order entry by a “swag admin” (full Printfection user)



Import orders from a spreadsheet or .csv



Order entry by sales rep, partner, or employee without a full Printfection login



Order entry by recipient



Approval workflow


Links & Landing Pages

Built-in landing page for your recipients



Built-in landing page for your team


Redemption links




Integrates with Salesforce


Integrates with Marketo



Integrates with Shopify


Fulfillment & Shipping

Tracking number on every order

International shipping

Gift message on packing slip




Event packing



Guaranteed delivery on a specific date up to 90 days out



Expedited shipping options


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