Printfection charges a fulfillment fee for every order pulled from inventory within the platform. This article explains exactly what that fee is, and why we charge it.
What is a fulfillment charge?
Printfection's fulfillment charge covers the cost of counting, picking, and packing your merchandise. For example, every box of items shipped out requires that the items be picked from your dedicated warehousing area, counted, and packaged with the appropriate materials.
Certain items cost slightly more to package due to their required packaging and size.
Why do you charge for fulfillment?
We'd love to not charge for fulfillment, but the truth is picking and packing items costs money.
We want to keep improving!
We want to decrease costs for our customers! We know for our service to be successful you need the least friction possible to get merchandise into your customer's hands. Cost is friction and we want to reduce that as much as possible.
We are dedicated to improving our service, warehousing efficiency, and cost wherever possible.