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Follow Setting and managing user budgets

Printfection customers on Standard and Enterprise plans can set budgets for individual users who have the platform:request permission This will limit their spend over a given time period.

Configuring user budgets 

Go to the company information page, and then navigate to the budget section.


Toggle user budgets to the on position.


You can set your budgets to run over a calendar-based yearly, monthly, or quarterly period. This will limit how much your users can spend over a given time period.

You will then need to set your default budget amount. Whatever you set it to here will become the the default budget for any user with the platform:request permission.

Changing your default budget will reset the budget for every user with the platform:request permission. Once you've set your default user budget, all new platform:request users will start with that default budget.

Custom user budgets

You can override the default user budget and set a custom budget for individual users.

Go to Manage Users -> Edit User.


At the bottom, you can view the user's current budget, and can change it for that user. This section also shows how much that user has spent during the current budget time period. 



If you set custom budgets, and later adjust your default user budget, this will revert all your custom budgets back to the default.

Also, if you change a user's platform:request permission to Manage or higher, they will no longer be constrained by any budget. Changing them back to the platform:request permission will reset their budget back to the default budget.

How user budgets work

Once you have your budgets configured, when a platform:request user submits an order via an external Collection campaign page, we will estimate the cost of the original printing cost for the items in this order.  

Keep in mind, these are estimates. 


We will also display the remaining budget to the requester once they submit the order which factors in the cost of the items selected, shipping & fulfillment.


When a platform:manage or higher user is on an Collection Manage page to approve orders, there will be indicator next to the submitter's (ie owner) name showing the remaining budget for this user and where their current spend lies for the current budget time period (assuming the user who submitted the order has the platform:request permission).


If the user is over budget this will show in red and show how far over budget they are.

If a given order puts the user over their budget, the approver can decide whether to let it go through (see Manager override section below).

If a user is over budget, that user will be blocked from placing future orders during the current budget time period. In this instance, the user will see a warning that they are over budget and won't be able to place any additional orders from the Collection external page and they will be instructed to contact their Printfection admin.

Manager override

When a user places an order that might exceed their budget, their manager can edit or adjust the order and push it through, even if this exceeds that user's budget.

For instance, say a rep has $100 left in their time period and they place an order for t-shirts for $90 including standard shipping. A manager might decide to add a greater quantity to that order, or add new items, or choose a faster shipping option which might increase the order over the $100 limit.

The manager will still be able to place that order, but the user will then be over-budget and will not be able to place any additional orders within the current budget time period.

Budgets across campaigns 

Budgets are account wide (ie across all Collection campaigns), so if you have both a sales campaign and an HR campaign, those all fall under one single budget.

In another example, say Sales has two campaigns, one for high value customers and one for regular value customers. A user's budget will apply to both these campaigns, so if they spend $50 in one campaign and $50 dollars in the other, this will draw $100 from their budget for the current budget time period.

Reporting on user spend

While not based specifically on a budgets, we've created a new User Spend Report that displays the spend for each of your users over whatever time period you choose. This is useful to determine which of your users are spending the most and which ones are not. This report shows spend for all your users, not just users constrained by budgets.

The User Spend Report help article also explains the estimated original printing cost used when calculating the total cost of the order applied against a user's budget.

Order ownership

Orders are owned by the first account user to submit a valid shipping address and at least one item. If the order is changed before being processed the first user to submit this information remains the owner. Read more about order ownership.


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