Overall status update
We wanted to let you know that Printfection, our fulfillment center and our suppliers are taking extra precautions at this time and are still operating as usual.
Printfection has been a remote company since the beginning of 2020, and thus all of our staff are working safely and soundly from home.
Production update
While some of our vendors are operating at a reduced capacity, most items are able to be produced within the standard 10 business day timeframe.
Should you encounter any stock issues with a particular item, we can very likely source a similar product alternative for you.
Shipping update
Similarly, UPS has informed us they are fully operational domestically and with minimal delays internationally.
For more information about any shipping restrictions to particular countries, click here.
Per CDC guidelines, our suppliers and vendors have all increased their health and sanitation practices to ensure the safe operations of their businesses.
Should anything change, we will update this article in a timely fashion.
In the meantime, stay safe and healthy and we’re very grateful and excited to continue to serve your swag needs.
If you have any immediate questions, please always feel free to email support@printfection.com or contact your CSM.
The Printfection Team