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Follow How to let co-workers order swag (and how to track their spending)

If you're looking to let your co-workers order swag this article is the perfect place to start. We'll cover a few examples of ways co-workers can order swag and a few examples of each approach. 

A few common use-cases for this approach are if you have Sales Reps that might want to order swag for their customers. Or, maybe you have Event Managers that want to place event orders themselves. 

How co-workers can order swag

Letting co-workers order & send swag directly

If you want to let your teams or employees send out swag on their own you can create individual Drop Ship campaigns for each. Then allow them to log into Printfection and place orders within that campaign.

For instance, if you wanted all of your event managers to order their own swag, you could give each one their own Drop Ship campaign (i.e. Bob's Event Orders). Each event manger would place orders for their events within this campaign.

At any time you could go into the campaign and see the order history. Or, you could run a report on that campaign. 

Collecting co-worker order requests & approving them

Printfection's Collection Campaign is set up to allow co-workers to submit swag requests. While this isn't available for Event Orders or Printing Orders — it is great for many use-cases.

This process works by presenting the employee with a page where they can request a given quantity of swag and specify where it should be sent. Then the swag manager or Printfection account admin can come in and approve the swag request.

This functionality can even be extended and integrated into platforms like Salesforce where customer account information can be automatically populated into the order. 

You can go even further by creating multiple Collection campaigns — allowing you to bucket swag by department (or employee).

Tracking merchandise spending

You can easily run reports to see order history for each campaign. As long as your co-workers are ordering swag in their own dedicated bucket you can see what is being ordered and how much it costs to send. 

However, the tricky part is that swag that's already in inventory has been purchased up-front, so that spending can't be re-associated afterwards to a specific campaign.

This means you will only be able to attribute fulfillment and shipping costs in the reporting if the swag was sent from inventory. 

We're looking into adding functionality that will allow up-front inventory purchases to be later associated with a given campaign — but, as of now, this functionality doesn't exist. 

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